
Bitcoinin hintataso on välitön: Miksi BTC-sonnit ja karhut taistelevat 52 000 dollarilla

Bitcoinin on voitettava iso este 52 000 dollaria, jotta kaikki mahdollisuudet ylittää uudet korkeudet lyhyellä aikavälillä. Bitcoinin ( BTC ) hinta on vakiintunut edellisillä viikoilla, kun ilmapiiri ja liikemäärä ovat hidastuneet indeksointiin. Se on hyvin luonnollista, koska on myös mahdotonta heittää kuusi joka kerta Siksi konsolidointi ja korjaus ovat välttämättömiä, jotta markkinat latautuvat ennen nousutrendin […]

Jack Dorsey förbinder $ 1 miljoner till Coin Center utöver Grayscales donation på $ 2 miljoner

Den DC-baserade advokatgruppen samlade bara miljoner för sina pågående forsknings- och lobbyverksamheter. Här är hur siffrorna gick sönder. 2021 håller på att bli ett generöst år för kryptovalutadonationer På onsdagen meddelade Coin Center , det ledande ideella valutaväldet i Washington, DC att det hade samlat in miljoner i ytterligare finansiering från högt profilerade namn i […]

Apple vulnerabilities could put crypto wallets at risk

The US technology company Apple recently launched a new security update. The reason for this are weaknesses in the old operating system, which, among other things, could affect the security of crypto wallets On January 26, 2021, Apple published a report regarding the security update on the company’s website. According to Apple, there are security […]

Criticism of actress Sophia Thomalla for advertising the G999 blockchain project

The actress Sophia Thomalla has come under fire for an advertising partnership with the blockchain project G999 of the former Karatbars chairman Josip Heit. The German actress Sophia Thomalla has come under fire for an advertising appearance for the controversial blockchain project G999 of the former Karatbars chairman Josip Heit, according to a report in […]

As instituições ‚parecem ter perdido‘ no rali do Bitcoin para um novo recorde histórico: relatório

Os investidores institucionais parecem ter geralmente perdido a recuperação do bitcoin para uma nova alta histórica acima de US $ 24.000, enquanto os investidores de varejo estavam alavancando suas posições compradas, as instituições estavam cortando as suas e realizando lucros. De acordo com um relatório publicado pela OKEx Insight , os contratos em aberto atingiram […]

Immutable privacy protocol based on Ethereum proposes a system of governance

A proxy system against immutable intelligent contracts will allow internal parameters to be changed. Tornado.Cash, the Ethereum’s blending service that earlier this year implemented smart, completely unalterable contracts, proposed a governance system powered by its own TORN tokens. Cardano will be open to Solidity Bitcoin Evolution and Ethereum developers with a new initiative According to […]

Itaipu Hydroelectric Binacional will give Bitcoin as an event award

The event starts next week and will attract programmers to the online version of the competition. Considered one of the five largest hydroelectric plants in Brazil, Itaipu Binacional will give Bitcoin as a prize to participants of an event. Aimed as one of the largest technology events in Brazil, Latinoware 2020 will start next week. […]

R$ 800 thousand disappear from Ceasa and company investigates if money was transformed in Bitcoin

The money disappeared from the Ceasa cashier at the end of 2019 and may have been used to buy cryptomycins. Ceasa de Campinas – SP is investigating the sum of $ 800 thousand of the company’s cash. According to preliminary data about the case, the money could have been transformed in Bitcoin, still in November […]

BTC, LINK, YFII, WAVES, NEO, FIL Preisvorhersagen

In der Krypto-Welt ist viel im Gange. PayPal wird demnächst den Kauf und Verkauf von Krypto ermöglichen, der Start von ETH 2.0 steht kurz bevor, und JP Morgan hat eine Blockketteneinheit namens Onyx lanciert. Der anhaltende Anstieg von DeFi und die schiere Menge an Krypto/Blockketten-Projekten, die entwickelt werden, bedeutet, dass es nie ein langweiliger Tag […]

Według analityków Binance, nieuchronna aktualizacja Ethereum może być głównym katalizatorem dla rynków ETH i Altcoin

Globalna giełda kryptowalut Binance właśnie opublikowała swój najnowszy raport handlowy, analizujący stan rynków Bitcoin, Ethereum i altcoin. Raport podkreśla dominację Bitcoina w październiku i na początku listopada, co spowodowało pęknięcie (zdecentralizowanego finansowania) bańki DeFi i obniżyło ceny wielu aktywów kryptograficznych „Kryptowaluty o dużej kapitalizacji, takie jak ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC i LINK, przyniosły skromne zyski […]

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